Erasmus+ Slowing down,

      • Behind the scenes

      • More photos here

        Here are the results:




      • Zespół Szkoł im. Czesława Miłoszach in  Siemianice participates in the European Erasmus + project "Slowing down, a new face of European education". We implemented and promoted  this international project on 07.12.2018. There was a meeting held at the Commune Office in Słupsk.  The aim of the interview was to tell the Commune Head about the project goals and ideas. The meeting was attended by Ms Barbara Dykier, the school principle Mrs Danuta Konkol, coordinator and the teacher of English, Mrs Joanna Charczun and seven students participating in the project.

        The head of the commune took us very warmly and gladly answered our questions. At the beginning of the meeting, Ms Joanna Charczun initially introduced with the topic of our meeting. She said that the project aims to slow down the pace at work, study and, above all, in life. Then the students spoke about the cooperation and participation of other countries in the project. The exchange includes 6 European schools: Turkey (Canakkale), Greece (Thessaloniki), Portugal (Almada), Italy (Naples), Latvia (Blidene) and Poland (Siemianice). In Turkey, pupils will, among other things: create toys, paint on the water, knit and create an e-magazine. In Greece, we will have interviews with older people and residents of the city, we will also create aromatic oil and antique masks. In May 2019. we will meet in Poland. Our country has got a very interesting history. Our grandparents and grandmothers know the games that most of today's youth have never heard of. Project participants will have to create their own game based on games from the past. Students will go to Portugal after a summer vacation. They will live at the campsite closer to nature and promote a healthy lifestyle. Young people will be taught to follow the safety rules, help others and good contact with their peers. The film, which will be recorded by the students, will help create a book with photos entitled "Happy life". The next country to the project participants will set off is Italy. They will learn how to prepare Italian dishes in different groups. The result of this trip will be a cookbook entitled "Slow Food". The next country in the project is Latvia. The main slogan of this trip is "Music, listen to the sounds of nature". Students will create their own instruments and music. Thanks to the abilities our students will acquire, music for meditation and they will create book with Mandales.

        The international cooperation of partner schools and exchange of good practices will ensure our school's further development and motivate us to continue learning English. Otherwise it will contribute to convict of being an active citizen of the European Union.


        Martyna Motyka

        See more photos here.

    • Kontakt

      • Zespół Szkolno-Przedszkolny im. Czesława Miłosza w Siemianicach
      • +48 59 8471856
      • ul. Słupska 42 76-200 Słupsk Poland
      • NIP 839-28-15-823
      • Numer konta szkoły: BNP Paribas 88 1600 0003 1852 7297 3000 0001
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