
        • Nagłówek

        • ‘And now it’s gone’

          A few days ago international Comenius project came to the end. The whole project gave me a lot. I met great people, improved my language skills during  these two years. Country which I visited was Italy. Although I was there some months ago , Naples really charmed me. I visited many amazing places that hid a very interesting history.  I got to know a new, different cultures.  We were there for 5 great days.  With people I met there I still have a contact. I write with them almost every day. Our partners came few months later to our school in Siemianice .  We were waiting for this day for a long time. Again we had an incredible opportunity to meet new people.  Time we could spent together was amazing. In my opinion Comenius Project is a fantastic, because we could meet people from other countries.  We could make friendships, improve our language.  I am really happy that I took part in that project.

          Marta Giers, kl. III b


    • Kontakt

      • Zespół Szkolno-Przedszkolny im. Czesława Miłosza w Siemianicach
      • +48 59 8471856
      • ul. Słupska 42 76-200 Słupsk Poland
      • NIP 839-28-15-823
      • Numer konta szkoły: BNP Paribas 88 1600 0003 1852 7297 3000 0001
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